VHC Jongens

Wholesaler for hospitality and bulk consumables

VHC Jongens BV is the major wholesaler for every hospitality professional; from snack bar to star restaurant. We supply a complete range of fresh produce and fresh food, fresh and processed meat from our own butcher 'Ragazzi', dairy products, beverages, coffee, nuts & dried fruits, and non-food. Everything customised and packaged how you want. We see the inspiration and support of our customers as service. Trainings and workshops are held In our Experience Centre, where clients can create and test new dishes in our demonstration kitchen. All under the guidance of our head chef, suppliers and specialists. In addition, we have the founded the hospitality vocational college ‘De Ambacht’ [The Craft] in collaboration with JustHoreca, and there we offer various hospitality courses. These courses are recognised by SVH, the Dutch Foundation for Professionalism in the Hotel & Catering Trade . In short, working together with the client is the key to success!
